I want to parachute, paraglide~ climb up a huge pole to a tiny cage - tie an elastic around a small black and orange control board (I forgot my harness) and jump 100s of feet to the earth and plummet - and then swing out over fields of grass and floodlights and chainlink fences - everyone at the fair will be watching me.
The rope was thick where it attached to me, but then got thin after a little bit, I was supposed to leave the thin part coiled up but I didn't.
Then I realized I forgot something at home. I let my rope go to drape across the rainy streets of my strange city.
I go home - through the clock towers and old fashioned cabs - I forget the home part.
- coming back - I realize its getting dark and its raining - I have to trace the path of my white elastic string getting run over by cars in the rain and in the gutters. I get through the crowded part of town and in the backstreets I get lost. But then I see a familiar. We are on bikes. And he is a guy -extremely comforting to me - my best friend. Could be B**. We trace the path back - cause now the string's got all tangled. The streets are abandoned but its a relief...its cool and its rainy and there's a canopy of lightly green glowing trees. Once we've traced our way back I'm pretty anxious cause I know that to get all the way back it will already be dark. But with B** I find that I originally was taking a long, complicated route. The bungee-jumping is actually not far away at all. But now I remember that I left my ID at home.
Thankfully, but scarily, the lady at the desk, with a sandy blonde bob, lets me go AND gives me a new string (mine, being dirty and run over a lot, she agrees with me, is no longer safe) AND orange control panel (at first she handed me this little purple plastic square - you mean THIS can hold me up? - so she gives me the orange one. at this time I ask her if the string bundle I have to leave in a bundle before I drop it she says yes. This I didn't know before and was contemplating jumping, thinking it would catch me anyway, so its a good thing I forgot something at home and went to get it. Perhaps it was my subconscious working.
But now it is night time. I will no longer see spectacular views of the whole world nor will people see me fly. But there are the stars, the endless stars, and the floodlights - now in full effect, casting an artificial green bright glow on the grass...I wake up before I make the decision.
Salane says: Mam Sagar can interpret dreams. If I was planning on doing this dangerous activity in the daytime until I forgot something and came back at night, I could have died or gotten sick.
So its a good thing I woke up.
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