Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

ODE TO SENEGAL* *also: My Bed is a Fire Ant Mound and My Family Doesn't Care

My filthy bed
it smells like piss.
Old man piss -
Mam Diene lent it to me...
When Adama left my mattress in the rain.
Which is inch thick and dry and cracked, covered with stains.
Had a straw mattress but it got infested with bugs,
And then my hut leaked and rained on it causing it to mold.
My filthy bed,
it smells like piss.
It is also wet from my sweat
and humidity.
My sweaty body sticks to it like a pair of velcro,
When I sink in and am smothered by the synthetic foam.
My filthy bed
it smells like piss.
And also gresyl, Attack, and Bleach.
All of these I poured down the crack
of the cement slab foundation.
(my bed is a cement slab - just wanted you to hear that again.)
maybe it will kill me or make me
slower as I approach death.
Maybe I'll suck my thumb baby style as ants bite me to a puffy blob...
thats why I am awake right now
at 2 a.m., when I went to bed at 11.
My filthy bed,
it smells like piss.
And the sheet might be mixed up head to toe,
which means that I might wake up in a pool of drool and shit from people's feet.
It has stains from filthy babies crawling on it,
and bed bugs
which line [me] with tiny, insanely itchy bites every night.
Countless days in the sun and products bought and sprayed
That now I give up.
Maybe I'll give up on ants too.
I guess thats what I'm doing, cause I just shook my bed out and am getting back in.
What else can I do?
Out here, the mosquitoes are biting me,
and giving me malaria,
and also I will scratch their bites to open wounds and get foot infections,
This is perhaps the lowest moment of my life.
Good night.

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