Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sept 21, 2008 Things

  • just ate some fresh curdled cows milk - delicious
  • planted flowers today in leftover pepiniere bags - yesterday, mustard greens
  • smashed my pen (ink still in showering area) trying to crack a coconut yesterday, drank the milk it was spectacular
  • ate my first guava today
  • might smash my cement bed tomorrow - infested with ants
  • bored but I love my family
  • Babou Senghor does torture in Casamance! Not only does he kill people and go on mission in the bush - but he buries people alive, cuts off their ears, or pours gasoline over their heads and lights them on fire. He's pretty proud, because they're the rebels.
  • American men watch football, get drunk, and grill at holiday parties. Senegalese men, at least the men under our acacia tree today, while fasting, to pass the time of bitter thirst and wearying starvation, shoot birds with slingshots out of trees. I tried and I sucked.

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