Blog Archive

Friday, May 7, 2010

June 13

Senegal. Its such a joke that they want to be a developed nation. Perhaps the same situation as past kings who sold their people for spices and jewels and guns. They see shiny shit on TV and thats what they want. In the meantime their environment is wrecked and they don't care about fixing it...its nerdy.
Yaangi nos. Danga leer.
You are having fun. You are clear.
Here eating is such a communal thing. You must have that sallow, slack-eyed look, that wane of body which shows that you have no energy, that you thirst, for people to really listen to you. If you have a bright, clear, energetic look ca veux dire que you have eaten well, wasted your money on yourself, not shared, and are perhaps above them in society. Thus I find not eating breakfast is the only way to work around here.
Things I like: my feet against the dry dirt outside.

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