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Friday, May 7, 2010

June 6, 2008

Delicious. The word for good in Wolof, or Sereer, is delicious. This place you can also conduct the Search for Delicious, as water is the only thing you quench on a hot day. Or gin. Nowadays. What does it mean if I drink to stay happy here now. Just a little passionfruit/guava/mango cocktail everyday -with music playing and bright colored skirts -its like being on a carribean island -only with people that don't drink and instead are really annoying -like to come and laugh at me as I sweat awkwardly -but then use my two radios until they break and now I'm left in silence. I hate them. I wish I could scream in Sereer "F*@$% you!" like the rap song they were all bopping their heads and their bums to just now.
And I think I have cancer. Can't see my white shit in the douche. People are eating lunch and forgetting me.
Anyway, Foster's Clark and gin. Suddenly going to spend an afternoon at a party -where my arrival will bring the main activity to making fun of me -I suffer the brunt of colonization. A thrill runs through me -and I think of Crested Butte -we were all alcoholics then -considering now they think if I drink one whole beer I'm a mandi.
Mandi would be a good name...
There comes a time where living in a hut gets old -and this I must understand before I sucks to fight the elements all the time -sometimes you just crave an artificial airconditioned sterile environment.

Saturday Passi
Sunday Pethie

I've been so tolerant I just can't pretend anymore. Here I am again at this place- I cannot even go out w/ my best friends because I'm so tired of marriage proposals.

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