Blog Archive

Thursday, January 13, 2011

May 14, 2008

Remember _____'s crazy apartment. How I hit the ground running there and didn't need to think at all.
Large bean sandwich and coffee with sugar. Bassap (sucre). Gingembre (sucre). Tandarma (soaked in honey). Slice of cocoa. Begneit creme. 2 mangoes, small super ripe. Cere + mboum. A large amount of cookies. 2 cigarettes.
And sitting in the garage from 2pm to 5 pm -sitting in the car, my arms nailed to the pits between two people so I can't even sweat, and my butt bone falls asleep, jammed into my spine. (Why did I listen to ___ and buy menthols?)
How many worlds can I change over a few days -a day, even and still be myself? Where do I loose myself -so thinking about the things I love seems part of another world?
Happy to be back here where things are clear. Except for the people. But I know who I like. And the quiet of the stars. I will need this in my future.
I cannot be a slave. Sitting cross-legged on the window sill with crayons, listening to music that can make me cry -live music, its too simple tune stuck in my head. __ is angry and he hates society and I can't do it.
I come home and Lira's had a miscarriage. The soft little dome and softness in her eyes has gone. She looks darker. Nuul. She says she cut too much wood. Ligeey here is too hard, she says, and slams her fist, involuntarily, on the bed. Is this what I'm willing to accept? Yes, this is life.
The hyena's start to howl. A different cote.
Abdoulaye took her egg and ate it. I couldn't talk to him after that night he lost to the bright faced mourid. Is this what he wants to punish?
Projects I want to do:
  1. work with primary school
  2. and middle school......ONLY!
  3. build garden tables
  4. murals-kids design
  5. mudstoves
  6. grillage-private gardens
  7. pepiniere!
  8. artwork --trash; --murals
  9. English Club --WWS!
  10. summer camp

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