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Sunday, January 9, 2011

May 26, 2008 -A Bowl with 14 people

I can't help but not want to talk to Abdoulaye anymore when I think that Lira was pregnant again and lost her baby looking for wood to cook.
Abdoulaye's fire and brimstone hold on God which completely denies the spark in your eyes of really seeing him and feeling him at all moments.
God will cut off the arms of those who steal, kill those who have killed. What would God do with the man who only thinks of his penis because his stomach is never filled, thus perpetuating the problem in an endless cycle?
The man who wants wives for status taking what he doesn't deserve like a little child, chasing after 16 year old girls because his old wife is like a stretched out and deflated bladder.
But really maybe here I am being puritan and denying a basic human need. No, people should have sex, but self restraint should be exercised down to the point that you get what you want.
Condoms are a missing essential here. And thus, the problem of religion, binding us to old ideas and what people have told us to believe, instead of developing out personal relationship with god.
Men have sex with just one wife and love (what is this?) her, so when she gets old and exhausted after 30 years of life you don't go sniffing out a new hole. That's all it is. Who's hot.
Is love something that Westerners made up to be Puritan? What made ___ love ___ and he love her back? Is it more real than the smiles that will soon arise on these children's faces as they forget their shrunken stomachs and chase their metal loops through the sun?
Is having a stomach swollen with food any better?
At least she could have put the food into two bowls. That is just laziness.
"To end all hunger by 2015..." ~UN World Goals
What happens on the other end of the point when your stomach hardens and shrinks and folds in on itself like a dried raisin? Where your body feels like a sludgy mixture of soup u kaanja? Your brain dulls like an overused farm tool, your movements slow to the slow and grace of the African woman pulling her heavy soaking wash out of the basin to dry on the fence.
I can go to Kaolack and eat a salad or Dakar and eat ice cream. I can buy myself bread in the morning. But what happens when you are a little kid with no money and your stomach's not full? Or a teenager walking 3K in the hot midday sun from school with no breakfast and cooking lunch in between? What happens to your brain, your body, your capability to be creative and produce whats beyond your daily survival when every day your stomach's not full from birth to old age and you mostly never have extra funding? The community owns your share. You get to a point where you feel lazy about your own nutrition, the energy you put into getting it is more than your getting out of it -its better to just get used to it -let that craving part of you go to sleep.
What happens at this point? (I have definitely felt the point where my body dips below optimum nutritional value) though I don't know if any of them have, or have even felt what it feels like to be well nourished. Perhaps nothing. You forget and run and play. Your soul transcends the state of your body -you smile and laugh easily and are no longer a slave to your body's pangs of longing. You are an African. Not an American. And not any more or less tragic. Just a different pattern of settled dust.

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